When severe weather leads to major disaster declarations, the tax obligations of the residents dealing with the aftermath also are affected. The Internal Revenue Service regularly announces tax relief for those taxpayers, including later filing deadlines. One of those delayed tax due dates is Monday, Feb. 3. Taxpayers in 14 states and two U.S. island territories who were struck by devastating hurricanes, floods, and various other lashings from an irate Mother Nature last year were given more time to file their 2023 tax returns for which they had received an extension. So, instead of having get their 2023 tax year... Read more →
Devastation in Asheville, North Carolina, caused by Hurricane Helene last September. (Photo by Bill McMannis, CC by 2.0 Wikimedia) I’ll pay our home’s property tax next week, just before the Jan. 31 deadline. It’s an annual tax ritual followed, albeit with differing deadlines, by millions of real estate owners across the United States every year. Some homeowners, however, are more frustrated than usual this year with their current property tax bills. Their homes were destroyed or seriously damaged by a major natural disaster. That’s the case for many property owners in Western North Carolina that were in Hurricane Helene’s path... Read more →
Tropical Storm Ernesto's battering of the U.S. Virgin Islands was one of the major disasters last year that led to tax deadlines being postponed until 2025. USVI filers and those in other disaster areas across the country are facing a Feb. 3 deadline. (NOAA-GOES satellite image) If you follow me on social media, thanks. And thanks especially for putting up with my whining about the recent cold spell here in Central Texas. To be honest, it’s nothing like the prolonged freezes of a few years ago. I also realize that other parts of the Lone Star State and the country... Read more →
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Even in those few years when Congress mercifully stays out of major messing with the Internal Revenue Code, we taxpayers still encounter some changes at return filing time. Here are some highlights of what you might find as you file your taxes this year. Standard deduction amount increased. Around 90 percent of taxpayers claim the standard deduction. The choice was always the favorite, in large part because it’s easy. The numbers are show directly on Form 1040. But the number of standard deduction claims increased when the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 essentially... Read more →
UPDATE, Monday, Jan. 13, 2025: California officials also are offering taxpayers in Los Angeles County a postponement on filing 2024 state tax returns and making tax payments that would have been due between January 7 and October 15, 2025. The extent and ferocity of the wind-propelled Palisades fire is, in many cases, an insurmountable challenge for Los Angeles, California, firefighters. (Photo by CAL FIRE_Official - Palisades Fire, Public Domain) California firefighters, joined by their brethren from other states and Canada and Mexico, are still struggled to contain the catastrophic wildfires that have engulfed the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Since the... Read more →
Photo by Matheus Bertelli Happy New Year! I know, we’re well past the Jan. 1 hangover phase, but it is the first full work week of 2025, so I stand by my greeting. And I up it with Happy New Tax Year! On Jan. 20, Republicans who crafted that major tax reform bill will be in control of all three branches of federal government. They plan to keep and, if reports are true, expand the TCJA. As for paying for all those tax breaks, well that's another matter. Like I said, exciting tax times ahead. But while lawmakers on Capitol... Read more →
The first group of taxpayers in 14 states and two U.S. island territories hit by declared major disasters must get their forms to the IRS by Feb. 3. Residents in the other 10 states have until May 1. Photo by Analogue Kid at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0 Much of the United States is facing the first weather catastrophe of the new year. A brutal winter storm is forecast to sweep through a 1,300-mile swath of the country, leaving an estimated 62 million people to deal with heavy snow, ice, rain, and severe thunderstorms. This early 2025 burst of anger... Read more →
UPDATE, Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024: President Joe Biden today signed into law H.R. 5863, the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2023, which provides tax relief with respect to certain federal major disasters. Wildfires to the west, hurricanes to the east. An array of major disasters now are covered under a tax relief bill that, after more than a year, finally will be law. (Photo by Caleb Cook on Unsplash) A long-awaited disaster relief finally is headed to the White House, where President Joe Biden is expected to sign it into law and was signed into law by President Joe... Read more →
Infrared satellite view of Hurricane Storm Rafael on late afternoon Nov. 5, 2024, (Image via National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) I apologize to all who live along the Gulf Coast. When I mentioned in the ol' blog's November tax moves column there to the right that we'd already hit the range of hurricanes predicted this year by Uncle Sam's forecasters, it crossed my mind I might jinx things. Not that I think I have that kind of power, but just days later Tropical Storm Rafael formed. This evening, he strengthened to Hurricane Rafael, so make of it what you will.... Read more →
And the disasters (and tax relief) keep coming. A glacial lake outburst in the Juneau, Alaska, area in August produced flooding in the state capital, prompting a major disaster declaration and a new May 1, 2025, tax deadline. Homes and roads in northern Juneau, Alaska, were inundated on August 8, as flood waters overtopped the banks of the Mendenhall River. The flood was caused by glacial lake outburst from Mendenhall Glacier near the Alaskan state capital. A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) time-lapse video from May 1 to Aug. 7 captures the dramatic rise and fall of water levels in Suicide... Read more →
Hurricane Milton seen from the International Space Station on Oct. 8 as it approached the Big Bend of Florida. Milton made landfall as a Category 3 near Siesta Key late Oct. 9. (Photo by NASA/Michael Barratt, Public Domain) It’s been a horrific hurricane season. More than 300 people have lost their lives due to storms in the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Millions in the United States alone have lost at least some property. Some have lost everything. Federal officials are offering assistance to hurricane victims, but misinformation has created problems in delivering that help. The Federal Emergency Management... Read more →
Updated, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024 Tuesday, Oct. 15, is Tax Day again, this time for most taxpayers who got an extension to file their annual tax return. (Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich) Another Monday holiday has come and gone. At the federal level, yesterday was Columbus Day. But some states and localities instead celebrated Indigenous Peoples' Day. Even the White House recognizes both, issuing separate proclamations for Christopher Columbus’ landing in the Americas and the native people already here. Technically, Columbus Day still is a legal holiday, meaning U.S. government workers had the day off and no mail was delivered. But... Read more →
The deadly and destructive aftermath of Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton, prompted the Internal Revenue Service to designate a new statewide federal tax deadline of May 1, 2025, for various tax filings and payments. Hurricane Milton seemed to take a skull shape in this radar image captured as the storm neared Florida on Oct. 8. (Image from post by @MaxVelocityWX on X, formerly Twitter) After Hurricane Debby made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend on August 5, the state got a brief respite. That changed late Sept. 26 when the same area was the target for Hurricane Helene. Helene’s doubling down... Read more →
UPDATE, Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024: The Internal Revenue Service granted tax relief to taxpayers in Juneau, Alaska, following the early August glacial outburst flooding in that state's capital city and borough. Affected Alaska taxpayers now have a May 1, 2025, tax relief deadline. UPDATE, Friday, Oct. 11, 2024: The Internal Revenue Service has granted tax relief to all Florida individual and business taxpayers in the wake of Hurricane Milton, which struck the Sunshine State's Gulf Coast on Oct. 9. In addition, the IRS also today announced disaster tax relief and a Feb. 3, 2025, deadline for individuals and businesses of... Read more →
Update, Friday, Oct. 11, 2024: The Internal Revenue Service today announced disaster tax relief and a Feb. 3, 2025, deadline for individuals and businesses of the San Carlos Apache Tribe in the state of Arizona who were affected by a wildfire that ignited in July. Photo by Matt Howard on Unsplash Hurricane Helene, and now Hurricane Milton, and their deadly aftermath have, naturally, garnered most attention. But other parts of the United States also have been hit by disasters. Wildfires erupted on June 22 in parts of Washington state. Less than a month later, on July 10, the lands of... Read more →
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Weather Service The people whose lives have been devastated by Hurricane Helene obviously are not thinking about taxes. But the Internal Revenue Service has acted to officially ensure that they don’t have to worry about this for a while. The IRS has announced disaster tax relief for all individuals and businesses in seven states that were affected by the deadly hurricane, which made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend as a category 4 and then proceeded to wreak havoc across the south. Major disaster declarations have been issued by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the... Read more →
Updated Oct. 3, 2024, to include tax relief in newly declared major disaster areas. Photo by Vlad Chețan October is a scary month. Of course, there’s Halloween. As an adult, I’ve learned one of the most frightening things is a bad Oct. 31 costume party! It’s also the time of year when weather turns colder, sending a chill along the spines of those (me!) who prefer warmer weather. And scariest of all, it’s the start of the final quarter of the annual tax year. If you got a filing extension, you’ve got to face your fears and submit that extended... Read more →
UPDATE, Sunday, Oct. 27, 2024 — Glacial outburst flooding in Alaska in early August means Juneau filers have a May 1, 2025, tax relief deadline for a variety of tax filings and payments, including September's estimated amount. UPDATE, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 — Deadly Hurricane Helene has changed deadlines for areas in four states — Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina — that earlier were in Hurricane Debby’s path. Instead of Debby’s Feb. 3, 2025, deadline, affected taxpayers in those states now have a later Helene-prompted deadline of May 1, 2025. UPDATE, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024:The IRS today announced... Read more →
If you’ve glanced at the filing extension countdown in the ol’ tax blog’s right column, you know time is running out to file your extended tax return. The incessantly ticking clock isn’t a reason to panic. It is, however, a reminder that you don’t want to push that Oct. 15 deadline. The Internal Revenue Service doesn’t give you any more time to file your Form 1040. So, you should be thinking about finishing up that paperwork now. Here are some tips to help. Gather your filing documents. This shouldn’t be too much of a problem. You probably used the material... Read more →
UPDATE, Oct. 4, 2024: Parts of two more states, Illinois and Washington, are the latest to get a Feb. 3, 2025, tax deadline extension due to major disasters. Details in this post. UPDATE, Aug. 29, 2024: The U.S. collection of Caribbean islands joins its fellow territory Puerto Rico in getting tax relief due to Tropical Storm Ernesto effects. It also ups the count to 10 of disaster areas across the country that have the new extended, early 2025 tax return due date. The satellite view, courtesy National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's NESDIS/STAR GOES-East imagery, of Tropical Storm Ernesto as it... Read more →