Love and taxes. Yes, they do go together. First, all you married folks. Congratulations on sticking with those vows. I know you didn't invite Uncle Sam to your wedding, but he was there in spirit. When it comes to taxes, your marital status for a tax year is determined by your relationship status on Dec. 31 of that year. If you were married 364 days but the divorce was final on the last day of the year, then when you file that year's tax return you are single. Conversely, if you didn't get married until Dec. 31, then those 364... Read more →
Truth About Paying Fewer Taxes
Not only does the hubby read the ol' blog, he acts on its suggestions! Sometimes. One of my Christmas gifts yesterday was Tax Stories, the book edited by TaxProf Paul Caron. I had mentioned it in my Holiday gifts for tax geeks post earlier this month with a parenthetical note to my sweet spouse. Thanks, dear! In addition to editing the publication, Caron wrote the introduction, Tax Archaeology, in which he concludes that the problematic results in the book's 10 Supreme Court federal income tax cases underscore that "perhaps the fault lies…in our income tax itself." "Instead of chastising the... Read more →
What are you worried about this tax filing season? If you're like the folks who participated in a recent CCH CompleteTax survey, you're concerned that you might be making costly mistakes or overlooking tax-saving breaks. Such worries could be well-founded. The poll of around 1,000 adults, commissioned by CCH and conducted by GfK Roper, also found that most people do not know which tax breaks offer the greatest benefits. Nearly two in three, or 66 percent, of taxpayers fear they may overlook tax breaks or make mistakes that could cost them in fines or penalties. When it comes to a... Read more →
I recently discovered a new financial Web site, FiLife. Well, it's not new; it's been around for a couple of years. But it's new to me. And I didn't exactly discover it. One of FiLife's writers, Kristen Sullivan, got in touch with me. Regardless of how we connected, I'm pleased to say we had a very nice conversation last week and there's online proof of our talk: Q&A with Tax Expert S. Kay Bell. As the FiLife site says, here's the short story: S. Kay Bell, author of The Truth About Paying Fewer Taxes offers some advice for first-time tax... Read more →
Another book review and a list, too
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Another tax blogger, Jim Maule who authors MauledAgain, has done me the honor of reading and reviewing my book, The Truth About Paying Fewer Taxes. I certainly appreciate the assessment of my book by Maule, who is a professor at Villanova University School of Law. And I got a particular kick out of two of Prof. Maule's observations: "The truth is that this book is not a tax protester tome, as the title might suggest." and "It's a small book, and because it doesn't focus on taxes other than income taxes or jurisdictions other than the United States, one must... Read more →
Fellow tax blogger and tax pro Bruce, known on the Web as taxguy, has done me the honor of reviewing my book, The Truth About Paying Fewer Taxes. For the fact that he took the time to read the book, I am grateful. For his very nice review of it, I am enormously thankful. I recommend you give Bruce's review a look, not just from a self-promotional standpoint, but also because there's something in it for you. In connection with the review, Bruce is giving away a signed copy of my book. Thanks, Bruce, and to those who enter his... Read more →
My book, "The Truth About Paying Fewer Taxes," is out, at least from mail-order outlets. I've gotten some copies (note to friends and family: guess what you're getting for birthday presents!). And now comes the fun part -- waiting. Waiting for sales numbers. Waiting for reviews. That latter wait is over. The first review (that I know of) is in from fellow blogger Jim at Bargaineering. Now it's time to get more "Truth" out, literally. If you'd like your own copy of my book, just leave a comment here at this post by 10 p.m Central, Wednesday, Jan. 28. I'll... Read more →