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IRS delays processing of some business tax forms


Tax filing season 2024 continues its rollout, with some business returns getting the go-head next week.

The key word here is some.

Some business forms must wait: While the Internal Revenue Service's Modernized e-File (MeF) status webpage says it will start accepting electronically filed business returns at 9 a.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Jan. 16, a follow-up announcement has put the brakes on some filings.

An IRS QuickAlert email last week noted that some business forms will not be accepted until the full 2024 filing season starts on Monday, Jan. 29.

Below is the text of the delay announcement, including the seven affected business tax forms.

Due to the number of legislation changes, we will not accept the following forms, for the 2023 tax year, until Monday, January 29, 2024. If these forms are submitted with a tax return, the return will be rejected. Once these forms are available, they must be submitted in XML format and not as a Binary Attachment to claim the Clean Energy credits.

Form Number

Form Name

Form 3468

Investment Credit

Form 3800

General Business Credit

Form 7207

Advanced Manufacturing Credit

Form 7210

Clean Hydrogen Production

Form 8835

Renewable Electricity Production Credit

Form 8933

Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit

Form 8936 Schedule A

Clean Vehicle Credit


Rejection repercussions: Yes, several of these forms apply to very specific business situations. But others are more general, such as the general business credit and clean vehicle credit.

And regardless of how esoteric the filing may be, this part of the IRS email alert bears repeating:

If these forms are submitted with a tax return,
the return will be rejected.

So take note of the specific forms, as well as the special formatting requirement for clean energy credit claims, and hold on to your business returns if they involve these documents.

That caution also earns these seven form numbers — 3468, 3800, 7207, 7210, 8835, 8933, and 8936 Schedule A — this weekend's By the Numbers recognition.

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