Open a bank account to get your tax refund sooner
When tax Groundhog Day - amending an earlier 1040 - is a smart move

This happened

Ice via UNSPLASH_Scott Rodgerson-1
Ice image by Scott Rodgerson via UNSPLASH

No, not the slamming of Austin government and utility officials noted in the Tweet below, although the local newspaper did that.

What happened was that the hubby and I were among the 170,000+/- Austin Energy customers who lost power. For almost four and a half days.

During the Texas grid collapse and historic winter storm of 2021, we were without water service for five days.

Being without electricity was worse, even though it wasn't as cold this time.

So, as I note in my Feb. 3 post — Yes, this is backdated. — I missed out on a couple of days of blogging.  But my obsessive compulsiveness couldn't stand those calendar pages without a blog post, so…!

But I promise, I'll make up for the couple of days of non-tax stuff. You can count on my tax OCD for that!


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