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Tax provisions are part of finally finished infrastructure bill

It actually happened. Infrastructure Week — or more accurately, weeks — finally is real. And it will be officially celebrated on Monday, Nov. 15, when President Joe Biden signs H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, into law

The measure, of course, provides fund for traditional transportation projects across the United States. It also includes money for soft infrastructure efforts, notably extending broadband internet service to the more rural parts of the country, as well as several environmental components.

Overall, the bill costs $1.2 trillion. Of that amount, $550 billion of new federal spending will be allocated over the next five years.

Those dollar figures obviously mean there are some revenue provisions involved. Yep, this is the bill with that new cryptocurrency reporting rule.

The tax implications also mean that this weekend's Saturday Shout Outs go to articles with information on the tax provisions in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The shout outs go to overviews of the bill, as well as items with a more specific tax focus. Here goes:

Yeah, that's a lot of road maps for the infrastructure bill, but it's understandable since it took us almost five years to arrive at Infrastructure Week.

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