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Safe tax messages via New Yorker cartoon face masks

New Yorker Conde Nast tax time face masks-cropped2

OK, this is a bit of tax inside baseball, but I couldn't resist. There are The New Yorker tax cartoon face masks!

The Condé Nast publication is selling 17 different tax-related versions of COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE). A few are New Yorker cover images, but most are cartoons.

My favorite, even though I am more of a feline fan, is the dog accountant one by M.E. McNair.


Close behind on my list is Roz Chast's 1040-FI, the form for the financially incompetent, and Bernard Schoenbaum's fatherly tax advice.

I can't vouch for their coronavirus pandemic precaution effectiveness. And no, I'm not getting compensated for this post.

I'm just a fan of New Yorker cartoons and covers. I own several, including the coffee cup turned office pen holder below.

Death and taxes mug (2)

I just wanted to share the continued insinuation of taxes into our lives, this time into a global medical emergency, with my tax community colleagues and, of course, readers of the ol' blog.

Enjoy! And, of course, stay safe.

You also might find these other humorous tax items of interest:



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