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Sweet tax dreams with Tax Code Coma tape

Can't sleep? You're not alone in these trying, tax and otherwise, times. (Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels)

2020 has been, at best, a difficult year and we're not even halfway through.

For these first five months, millions of us have been facing each day a barrage of concerns that are producing a continual level of extraordinary stress.

In addition to our normal day-to-day anxieties, we've been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, its unemployment and financial fallout, the recent deaths African Americans at the hands of individuals and while in law enforcement custody, heated and escalating political messaging in a presidential election year, a hurricane season that's already produced two named storms and, yes, taxes.

It's not surprising that few of us are getting the rest we need. I speak from personal experience. I've always been a night owl, but in the last few months I've morphed into a full-fledged insomniac.

But there just might be a remedy.

Soothing tax sounds: The folks at TaxAct, the tax preparation software company, have recorded the Internal Revenue Code, aka Title 26 of the U.S. Code. It's set to a new-age soundtrack, with the male narrator speaking in a calm, slightly hypnotic tone.

And that's the whole point.

The SoundCloud audio, dubbed Tax Code Coma, is designed to put listeners to sleep.

TaxAct Coma Soundcloud
Screenshot of Tax Code Coma. Click here to listen and/or download.

The recording gets this weekend's Saturday Shout Out. Additional shout outs go to Joe Kristan, the Eide Bailly CPA who mentioned the Tax Coma in one of his recent tax roundups for the accounting and advisory firm. Joe found it in Jim Maule's Mauled Again tax blog.

I'm not sure the Tax Code Coma actually works, but at this point I'm willing to try just about anything to get to and stay asleep!

Pleasant tax (and other) dreams to us all.

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