5 tax tips for snail mail filers
Deadly weekend storms disrupt Tax Day 2019

Tax Day 2019: final filing tips, freebies & a radio break

Danny DeVito our work here is done_GiphyGiphy

It's finally here! Tax Day 2019. Congratulations to all y'all who survived this first filing season under the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) provisions.

We all deserve a hearty pat on the back.

A hug.

A drink, potent as the Jeopardy category goes, or not.

Some freebies. I'll take one of the massages, thank you.

A Major League Baseball break. Patriots Day and celebrants in Maine and Massachusetts get more tax-filing time so they can, among other things, enjoy today's Jackie Robinson Day Red Sox-Orioles game.

Some sleep.

And some tax talk.

Radio tax ruminations: Wait, isn't talking taxes what we've been doing here on the ol' blog?

Yes, but I also was thrilled to chat about taxes this weekend with NPR's Michelle Martin on All Things Considered Weekend. If you missed it, you can check out the audio (embedded below) and transcript.

Tax Day tasks: If you're still working on your taxes, either getting them into shape to send today to the Internal Revenue Service or getting an idea of how much you owe and must send along with your extension, when you take a break, give it a listen or scan the text.

And you know you need to take a break. Step away from the forms for a minute. Take a quick walk, even if it's just around your house. Scream into a pillow.

As I noted on the radio, taxes are nerve-racking. That's compounded by this year's tax law changes. Don't let it get to you.

We're in the home stretch.

If you've made it across the tax finish line, congratulations. See your options for the rest of today earlier in this post.

If, however, you are a tax-version of today's Boston Marathon runners and are still in the 1040-filing race, hang in there! 

These links could help you make it across the finish line:




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