Where's your tax refund? Use IRS online tool to find out
Pay your big tax bill if you want to travel internationally

Miss a February tax tip? Find them on their special page

Hand pointing fingerI know February is the shortest month, but we sure seemed to blast right through these 28 days.

That means folks who were waiting for their refunds based on Earned Income Tax Credit and/or additional child tax credit claims now or soon should have those U.S. Treasury checks.

As for the rest of us who've yet to tackle our 1040s, we're part of the reason that filing is a bit slow this year.

Many of us are waiting because we either know we'll owe or we're still trying to decipher the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changes.

The good news here is that although in a few hours February will be gone, we still have more than six weeks — either April 15 (or 17) depending on where you live — to tackle our taxes.

To help you get that job done, check out the ol' blog's Filing Season Tax Tips. You'll can find them where the tax tips have been for years, over (as the pointing hand indicates) in the right column just above the old-school yellow No. 2 pencil tip image.

If you missed any of the highlighted pieces of tax advice that appeared there this month, you can check them out on their own special February tax tips page.

The tips will continue through the 2019 filing season, all the way through the April due date(s).

Again, if you miss any as they're posted on the home page, they'll also be collected on their own monthly pages. January and (the reason for this post) February tax tip collections are live. March and April tax tips pages will be populated as those months arrive.

That way, whether you're working on your taxes, turning your annual tax-filing task over to a professional or making moves for the 2019 tax year, you can check out all the 2019 Filing Season Tax Tips whenever the tax mood strikes.





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