Ignoring the EITC could cost you valuable tax dollars
Former Patriots QB could be big Super Bowl LII tax winner

6 special situations where the EITC could help

Grandparents who are raising their grandchildren might benefit by claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The IRS has additional information for these taxpayers and other special groups and situations where the EITC could help.

Friday, Jan. 26, was EITC Awareness Day, the 12th annual event during with the Internal Revenue Service makes a special effort to get the word out about this tax break that millions of filers ignore each year.

Actually, the tax agency made special efforts, plural, yesterday. There were more than 250 total outreach events and activities around the country to promote the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is the full name of the popularly used acronym.

The ol' blog did its part, noting the EITC's basics in yesterday's post, which also doubled as the Daily Tax Tip.

But in the spirit of getting out the EITC word as much as possible, I'm also giving a Saturday Shout Out to the refundable tax credit, which means you could get tax cash back even if you don't owe Uncle Sam a dime.

Specifically, I'm sharing additional information from the IRS on six specific situations where taxpayers benefit from claiming the EITC.

1. Tribal communities: IRS Encourages Tribal Communities to Check Out Earned Income Tax Credit

2. U.S. service men and women: What Members of Military Should Know about the Earned Income Tax Credit

3. Hurricane victims: Many Hurricane Victims Qualify for Earned Income Tax Credit; Special Method Can Aid Workers Whose Income Dropped

4. Taxpayers with disabilities: Special Rules Help Many with Disabilities Qualify for Earned Income Tax Credit

5. Rural residents: Many People in Rural Areas Can Benefit from EITC

6. Grandparental care: Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren Should Check Their Eligibility for EITC

If you fit into any of these six areas, check out how the EITC could help you save some valuable tax dollars.

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