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Merry Christmas 2014

Christmas cow 2014It's that time again. Another year, another Christmas Day.

The hubby and I and our Christmas cow -- the holidays don't offiically start at our house until the wooden cow gets a bow, and she's digging the red and green curls this year! -- wish you and your family the merriest of days.

As usual, we'll be spending this day with my mom. This year, one of her cousins also is joining our annual celebration.

After dinner, my mom's sister and her daughter, a cousin I haven't seen in ages so it should be fun catching up, are dropping by. They say it's to see all of us, but I suspect they're also showing up because mom has made two pies.

This is a slightly larger gathering than we're accustomed to. For most of our marriage, the hubby and I were the only ones opening presents at our place on Dec. 25. 

Since we moved back to Texas and my mom also relocated nearby a few years later, it's been the three of us, with my aunt sometimes making it a quartet.

Now we'll have a half dozen, maybe more. I'll let you know how it goes. All I can say for sure is that we'll have fewer leftovers, but that's not necessarily a bad thing!

And to prove that we have more than a Christmas cow, below is a photo of our more traditionally decorated mantel.

Christmas mantel 2014

For those of you who also celebrate this day, here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

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