Celebrating Flag Day 2014
A Father's Day gift for single dads: 5 tax breaks

More taxpayer rights, fewer tax haven company contracts

It's a busy weekend, what with Flag Day and Father's Day and some personal things to take care of, so I'm cutting to the chase with my regular look at noted last week at my other tax blog.

Bankrate Taxes Blog iconFirst came the news that the Internal Revenue Service has officially adopted a Taxpayer Bill of Rights. This has been a long-time goal of National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson, who joined IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to announce the move.

Both also used the opportunity to send a message to Congress. The IRS can do a better job of providing customer, i.e., taxpayer, service if the agency is properly funded.

Tax haven restrictions: Uncle Sam's money also was the topic of my second post last week at Bankrate Taxes Blog. This time, though, Capitol Hill lawmakers were looking at how contracts are awarded.

As part of the fiscal year 2015 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, the House last week approved an amendment that would limit the awarding of some federal contracts.

Specifically, for the upcoming fiscal year former U.S. businesses that now are incorporated or chartered in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands, two popular corporate tax havens, would not be eligible for federal contracts.

I usually post my additional tax thoughts at Bankrate.com on Tuesday and Thursday. You can always check here at the ol' blog the following weekend for a synopsis and links if you miss the original items.

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