Paying taxes on Super Bowl (and other gambling) winnings
Tax Carnival hiatus

Bitcoin taxes and winter weather write-offs

It's been crazy of late.

Tax filing season officially started. That means a packed work schedule. Plus things have gotten a bit out of control on the personal side.

And, of course, yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday.

Bankrate Taxes Blog iconSo in an effort to get back on track, I'm cutting right to the chase when it comes to what I wrote about last week at my other tax blog.

Since last week was leading up to Internal Revenue Service acceptance (finally!) of 2013 tax returns, it seemed only fitting to examine the tax treatment of virtual currency. The one that's been in the news of late is Bitcoin, but the feds are still unsure of how to treat it for tax purposes.

Then later in the week, Mother Nature took center stage. The recent winter storm that crippled much of the South caused a lot of problems. But some folks might be able to claim weather-related casualty losses on their taxes next year.

I usually post my additional tax thoughts over at Bankrate Taxes Blog on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you happen to miss them then and there, you can always find a synopsis here on the ol' blog the following weekend ... or early the next week if I get crunched for time.


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