Miami Dolphins owner, angry over loss of taxpayer money for NFL stadium upgrades, launches Super PAC
DOMA is dead: The effect on same-sex married couples' taxes

DOMA is dead!

Yes, I know, you've heard this by now, but the Defense of Marriage Act, aka DOMA, is dead.

Kaput. Off the books. Finito.

Sorry to be slow in announcing it here, but I've been caught up doing some stories on today's Supreme Court ruling, as well as blogging it for Bankrate Taxes Blog. They pay me, you know!

I will make some comments on the DOMA ruling here on the ol' blog, but I also had to find my mascara to get ready for a spot at the top of the hour on CNN.

UPDATE: My DOMA is dead, part deux, blog post is finally done!

So I appreciate your patience and understanding. In the meantime, enjoy my initial reaction in my Bankrate post DOMA decision means tax changes. Yeah, all you long-time readers know I'm understated like that that title!



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