Taxing environmentally conscious drivers
Forget raising tax money to pay for roads. Washington State lawmaker says bicycles are bad for the environment.

IRS now accepting all 2012 tax return forms

Stack-of-legislationTax filing season 2013 is finally fully under way.

As promised, the Internal Revenue Service completed its updating and computer testing of the last batch of forms (29 of them) over the weekend and now is accepting all 2012 tax filings for individuals and businesses.

Have fun!

As every forced-to-wait taxpayer already knows, the IRS had to accept 2012 returns in phases because Congress took way too long to complete action on tax legislation that affected filings.

The season didn't start at all until Jan. 30, eight days later than planned. Even then, the agency couldn't take all returns. More than 30 forms had to be revised.

By mid-February, taxpayers claiming education tax credits and depreciation were able to file.

Now everyone gets into the 2013 filing season game.

But just because you can now file, don't get in such a hurry that you make a mistake.

The only thing worse than having to wait weeks to submit your tax return is to have it or some claim on it rejected because you were in a rush to get the dang thing done.

So take a breath.

Then file, carefully and correctly.

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