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E-filing fraud fears and employing plastic to trim property taxes

E-filing fraud fears and a new way to trim property taxes were examined last week at my other tax blog.

Bankrate Taxes Blog icon True, tax-time identity theft is a growing problem. But the security breach that allows criminals to get their hands on the information they need to steal your life generally doesn't come from an electronic tax filing system.

The problem is that crooks get your personal info other ways and then file a fake return using your name to get a fraudulent refund. You then learn about it only when you file your 1040 and are told by the Internal Revenue Service that it already sent your impersonator a sizable refund.

So take care throughout the year to safeguard your identity to ensure that you don't have any tax fraud filing issues this time of year.

Property taxes also are coming due about now. One New Jersey township has instituted a reward card program to help property owners trim their tax bills.

It's not a credit or debit card. Rather its a strict rewards card that when swiped by local merchants after you make a purchase with your credit or debit card or by cash, reduces your propoerty tax bill by whatever percentage the merchant has set.

Marlboro, N.J., folks are hoping the tax reward card will increase local shopping.

You can check out my tax thoughts at the Bankrate Taxes Blog, usually each Tuesday and Thursday.

If, however, you happen to miss my posts there, you can find a wrap-up here the following weekend. 

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