Be thankful for -- and claim! -- the American Opportunity education tax credit while it's still here
Seasonal staff: employees or contractors? It makes a big tax difference

The annual gathering of tax dependents, otherwise known as Thanksgiving dinner

How's your Thanksgiving Day going so far?

If you're like most of America, you've got a big crowd at your place or you're one of the crowd at some other relative's or friend's house.

Thanksgiving dinner photo by surlygirl via Flickr Creative Commons
Thanksgiving meal photo by surlygirl via Flickr Creative Commons

About nine-in-ten adults, officially 89 percent, said they have their Thanksgiving meal with members of their family, according to a Pew Research Center conducted in 2010.

Although Pew asked the Turkey Day traditions question a couple of years ago, other anecdotal reports and my own observations indicate that the massive family Thanksgiving meal (attendees in addition to a whole lot of different dishes) trend is continuing this year.

And these aren't small family gatherings like the one going on at our house today with just the hubby, my mom, her yappy (but sweet) little dog and me.

We're talking huge family gatherings.

Sixty-two percent of those surveyed by Pew said that 10 or more relatives would be at their Thanksgiving meal. 

And more than a quarter, 27 percent, reported their house would be packed with 20 or more hungry relatives.

Yikes! I'm having flashbacks to Christmas at my grandparents!

But back to this November holiday. Overall, the typical host would be setting Thanksgiving dinner places for 12 family members.

Whatever the size of your Thanksgiving get-together, here's wishing the best for you and yours, along with a special wish that you have a refrigerator large enough to hold all those leftovers!

Family taxes: At least a few of the folks sitting around your dinner table today are probably your dependents, or vice versa.

Since this is a tax blog and you are here expecting a few tasty tax tidbits this Thanksgiving, here are some links to previous posts on tax dependent situations.

Thanks for your indulgence on my blogging highlights today.

I know I coulda/shoulda put together a totally new post, but I've a small turkey to roast and my grandmother's dressing to make, not to mention supervise the hubby as he puts final touches on his annual pumpkin pie!

Happy Turkey Day to all. And remember, you can always exercise tomorrow!

You also might find these prior Turkey Day posts of interest:


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