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5 ways resume writing is like filing taxes

This week's employment report was blah at best.

The Labor Department today reported that hiring slowed for the second straight month and the U.S. economy added just 115,000 jobs in April.

Overall, the unemployment rate dropped to 8.1 percent, down fractionally from 8.2 percent. But that tick downward was because nearly 350,000 people quit looking for work.

Resume_work in progress_PSD via FlickrIn such a sluggish hiring atmosphere, a resume that stands out is key. The proper paperwork could help you nab a new, better and higher-paying job.

The obvious tax/resume connection is that more money also might mean that you move into a higher tax bracket.

But doing taxes and writing an effective resume have some other similarities that most of us have probably never noticed.

Not to worry. Josh Tolan, CEO of Spark Hire, has spotted 5 Ways Preparing Your Resume is Like Doing Taxes.

Tolan elaborates in his post for Mashable Business, but here is a quick preview:

  1. You Must Tell the Truth
  2. It's Time Consuming 
  3. Organization is Key 
  4. You Must Decide Who Does It 
  5. It's Not a Lot of Fun

If you're working on your resume, keep these tips in mind. Also make a note to review them next tax filing season.

And remember that you can count the costs of producing a quality resume -- from hiring a professional to help you put it together to printing costs to delivery charges -- as part of potentially tax deductible job hunting expenses.

Resume image courtesy psd/Flickr

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