A Cinco de Mayo toast to tequila taxes
Is that charity still IRS approved?

Last week at my other tax blog:
Ex-NFL players charged in tax scam;
Tax expatriate movement growing

Tax scams and tax avoidance are always noteworthy. And they were the topics last week at my other tax blog.

Bankrate Taxes Blog icon It's usually the tax scam itself that gets attention, but this time it was the guys allegedly involved. Three former National Football League players, a couple of them first-round draft choices, were charged with identity theft and tax fraud.

Some other folks took their own identities and officially moved them to other countries to avoid taxes. Yep, the number of tax expatriates who are dumping U.S. citizenship to avoid the Internal Revenue Service is increasing.

You can check out new posts each Tuesday and Thursday, and other days when tax topics are popping, at my Bankrate Taxes Blog. If you happen to miss them there, you can find a wrap-up here on the original ol' tax blog.

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