A taxable toast on National Eggnog Day
Last week at my other tax blog: Payroll tax cut extension takes 1, 2 and 3

St. Nick's visit, OK'ed by the attorneys

"'Twas the Night Before Christmas," also known as "A Visit From St. Nicholas," is one of my favorite poems, holiday or otherwise.

Or it was before the lawyers got hold of it.

Check out the beginning of Clement C. Moore's Christmas verse on the left side of the table below, with the attorneys' rewrite on the right.

Night before Christmas original and legal versionClick on image for larger view.

You can continue reading the side-by-side of the original poem and the legal version at TaxProf Blog, which gets big Christmas kudos for sharing this comparison.

If you prefer, settle down for a short winter's read of the pre-legal holiday classic or watch a video of the tale.

And to all, a good Christmas Eve night!

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