Debt ceiling deal is done, sort of, maybe
West Wing cast explains the debt ceiling

The political spending chasm

It's become painfully clear this Congress just how far apart the Democrats and Republicans are when it comes to, well, just about everything.

Nate Silver, who does what he calls political calculus at the New York Times' FiveThirtyEight blog, takes a look today at the spending cuts in the debt ceiling bill that's awaiting official Congressional approval.

As part of the discussion of the political semantics in the debt proposal, Silver offers a table detailing the views of Democratic and Republican adults toward spending cuts in 18 areas of federal spending as derived from the 2010 General Social Survey.

The scale runs from 0, meaning that survey respondents would like to see increased spending in that area, to 100, meaning that they would like to see spending cuts.

Fivethirtyeight-0801-fineprint-blog_spending cut preferences

No big surprises here, but it's nice to see it laid out in such a readable fashion.

And it's reassuring to see that there's at least one area upon which members of both parties agree, highways and bridges.

Now if both sides could only agree to share the same roads now and then.

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