6 tax tips for Kim Kardashian and other newlyweds
10 years of 'temporary' tax cuts

Last week at my other tax blog: Energy efficient mortgages; Gas tax fight (or not); Final summer tax holidays

Maybe it's the constant running of my air conditioner, but last week at my other tax blog, I focused mainly on energy related tax issues.

Bankrate Taxes Blog icon The week kicked off with a look at an effort to require federal loan agencies to assess the expected energy costs for mortgage loan applicants. Basically, the Sensible Accounting to Value Energy, or SAVE, Act would change mortgage underwriting practices so that they would consider how much an energy-efficient home could knock off of utility bills each year. Smaller bills mean more money to pay the mortgage and maintain the home.

The energy trend blogging continued with a discussion of the possibility that a fight over extending the gas tax might be averted. The 18.4 cents per gallon federal gasoline tax is set to expire on Sept. 30 and there's been some concern that we could see a repeat of the Federal Aviation Administration funding/airline ticket tax debacle.

But anti-tax guru Grover Norquist has let it be known that he's not opposed to the extension of the gas tax. That gives his sheep Congressional adherents leeway to vote for the tax and flocus later on changing it.

And for good measure, last week at my Bankrate Taxes Blog I included a reminder of the final 2011 back-to-school sales tax holidays. They're in Texas this weekend and Connecticut next week.

You can check out new posts each Tuesday and Thursday (and the occasional Friday) over at Bankrate.com. If you do, however, happen to miss them there, you can find a wrap-up here each Saturday.

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plumbing supplies

This is really interesting. My mother often tells me how this Energy efficient mortgages works.

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