Tax cheating young men and other potential tax audit red flags
Form 1099 enhanced reporting by businesses is repealed

Ozzy Osbourne won't lose home to IRS

All is right in the musical Prince of Darkness' world.

The $1.7 million federal tax bill owed by heavy metal rocker Ozzy Osbourne and his daytime TV talk show host wife Sharon has been paid. The lien that was was placed in connection with the overdue IRS bill should soon be released.

Despite Sharon's initial willingness to take responsibility for staying on top of her family's finances, she now says it was their accountants' fault.

"At 4:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon I received a phone call from my publicist who had a reporter on the other line informing her that the IRS had just put a lien on one of our properties," Sharon said in a statement about the tax trouble.

"I then contacted my accountants who said they knew nothing about any lien. The lien has been paid. I do intend to find out how this lien happened without the knowledge of myself or my accountants. I hope none of this reflects negatively on mine and Ozzy's moral character."

I'm wondering if it's the same accountants who took care of (or rather, didn't take care) of daughter Kelly's California taxes.

Maybe the Osbournes need to check out these tips on hiring a tax pro.

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