Tax delinquents include IRS contractors, federal employees
Education tax credits comparison table

Taxpayer receipt detailing where our federal dollars go is getting more support

Third Way, a left-to-center think tank in Washington, D.C., has long touted the benefits of a taxpayer receipt.

Now with the change in Congressional makeup, general public concerns about government spending and the growing federal deficit, the idea of an itemized receipt showing where our tax dollars go is getting more support.


It definitely could help correct some spending misconceptions.

Although tax expenditures cost the government more than Medicare and Medicaid combined or Social Security, most folks still think that we can program cut our way to fiscal solvency.

The truth is that it will take you and I (and businesses) giving up some of the tax expenditures -- the mortgage interest tax break, tax-favored company health care benefits, various child-related tax credits, and many, many more individual (and corporate) tax breaks -- that we all are so fond of before we can begin to reform our tax system and make a dent in the deficit.

But seeing, and accepting, just how our tax dollars are spent would go a long way in sparking a real discussion on what we tax-break-taking taxpayers would be willing to give up for deficit reduction's sake.

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