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Daily Tax Tip: Get ready to file your taxes

Welcome to tax filing season 2011!

I know all y'all are as excited about this time of year as I am.

OK, so maybe not as excited. But if you're expecting a refund, you'll probably want to file your 2010 return as soon as possible.

The ol' blog wants to help you get your refund quickly or reduce what you owe Uncle Sam. So we're once offering a tax tip a day to help send tax savings your way.

Or to keep the IRS auditor at bay. Or whatever tax-related rhyme you can come up with yourself!

Tax_tip_icon_pencil_point The Daily Tax Tip for 2011 feature kicks off right now with a look at 7 ways to get organized.

Check back each day from now until the April 18 filing deadline (yes, we get three extra days to complete our tax-filing duties this year) for a quick tip.

Most will offer suggestions on how to make doing your 2010 taxes easier, but we'll also offer some strategies you can implement to help reduce your 2011 IRS bill.

You'll find a new tip each day (yes, Saturdays and Sundays, too!) in the upper right corner of Don't Mess With Taxes' main page.

Most of the tips will be courtesy of features I've written/will write for this year's version of Bankrate's annual tax guide. A few, though, will be original posts from the ol' blog.

Whatever the source, I'll try to post the Daily Tax Tip early, although I must point out that "early" is a relative term. But I promise it will be on the ol' blog before noon Central time.

I know, I know; I cut it close today, but I had a lot of set-up work to do!

And if you miss one, no worries. Just bookmark Daily Tax Tips 2011, the blog page where you'll find the running list of the filing season's daily hints and tax-saving tidbits.

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