The new tax bill and your 2010 taxes
New 2011 payroll tax tables mean bigger paychecks, but the question is 'when?'

Larry David's tax cut thank you; Most Americans also happy with new tax law

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted just after the new tax relief bill was signed into law reveals that three-quarters of Americans like the tax cuts.

When the provisions of the deal were broken out, the lower tax rates for families making less than $250,000 a year were favored by 89 percent of the poll respondents.

On the other end of the tax spectrum, however, only 37 percent of those surveyed liked the extended tax cuts for folks making more than a quarter million a year.

47427, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday November 12 2010. Funnyman Larry David curbs his enthusiasm as he leaves Koi restaurant in LA. Photograph:   Anthony,

The pollsters probably didn't call well-known television grouch Larry David to ask his opinion the new tax bill. That's OK. He let the world know his thoughts in today's New York Times op-ed page.

In what I suspect is a sarcastic piece, although I can't say for sure since I don't know David personally, the Curb Your Enthusiasm star sends thanks to those on Capitol Hill who've made his life as a "proud member" of the upper tax brackets easier for the next two years.

But, being the cranky real life model for Seinfeld's George Costanza, David can't let go of the downside:

"The only problem is if, God forbid, the tax cuts are repealed in two years, how will I ever go back to Special K and bananas?"

For now though, David is celebrating as best he can:

"Life was good, and now it's even better. Thank you, Republicans. And a special thank you to President Obama and the Democrats. I didn't know you cared."

How about you? Are you as thankful as Larry David for the tax cuts deal?

You can still vote in the ol' blog's poll on the tax relief measure. Although you can only vote once per day, when you do so, you can choose as many opinions as you like. And of course, comments are always welcome.

Free polls from
What do you think of the proposed tax deal?
Taxes on wealthier individuals should be raised.
All of the current lower tax rates should be continued.
The estate tax should be killed permanently.
The payroll tax holiday should be permanent.
The president caved to the GOP.
Other (please leave a comment below).


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