Royal engagement romantic ring gesture could produce big capital gains tax bill
Tax ornithology

U.S. tax expatriates expanding

Have you ever seriously considered giving up your United States citizenship to avoid paying the IRS?

Us_passport Apparently more Americans are doing just that.

The Financial Times of London reports that three times as many Americans renounced their citizenship in 2009 as did in 2008.

The trend, says the newspaper, was particularly noticeable in the United Kingdom, where there's a waiting list at the U.S. embassy in London of folks looking to renounce their citizenship.

Bankrate's Wealth blogger Judy Martel looks at this extreme effort to escape U.S. taxation in Here's one way to avoid taxes. And she quotes yours truly in the post.

We all have complained about taxes at some point, but would you really leave your U.S. roots behind so that you'd never have to pay them again?

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