Don't miss these Oct. 15 tax deadlines!
Your taxes, now in plain language

Blog Action Day 2010: Water

Happy Fourth Annual Blog Action Day.

Oct. 15 is the day that thousands of bloggers worldwide focus on one topic in the hopes of sparking a global discussion and motivating readers to take action.

Blog-Action-Day-2010-Water-238x300 For 2010, we're all blogging about water.

Why water? Across the planet, one in eight of us doesn't have access to clean water.

And too often, those of us who do have plenty of clean water waste this resource.

But some tax laws encourage water conservation.

Several states conduct sales tax holidays that offer savings to buyers of energy-efficient appliances.

Earlier this month, for example, Virginia held a four-day sales tax holiday that exempted from state and local taxes products that received Energy Star and WaterSense approvals.

A WaterSense designation makes it clear that an item helps conserve H2O.

But Energy Star products also can help here, too. A more efficient washing machine, for example, will use less electricity and less water.

The average American family washes almost 400 loads of laundry each year, according to

But with an Energy Star qualified washer, says the government website, the appliance owner will save enough money in operating costs over the appliance's life to pay for a matching dryer.

As for the water savings, an Energy Star clothes washer also will save enough water over the years to fill three backyard swimming pools.

So consider replacing your old appliances with more efficient ones.

And be on the lookout for ways to save on your taxes at the same time.

That fortuitous convergence is now underway in West Virginia. Shoppers in the Mountain State who buy an Energy Star appliance by Nov. 30 can help reduce both their tax bills and energy and water use.

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