State tax refund delays are now the norm
Of tax protests and lunatics

Tiger, taxes and divorce (again)

On Valentine's Day, I looked at the tax implications of courtships that turn into marriages.

Tiger Woods apologizes for his marital infidelity Today, in light of Tiger Woods' statement about his indiscretions, I thought I'd reprise some info about tax considerations when a marriage ends.

Now I'm not saying I doubt the sincerity of Tiger's apology. But I noticed that Elin was not there. Personally, I'm glad she wasn't. He's the one who made such a mess of everything; he needs to clean it up himself.

And I'm not saying I think or hope they will split up. I'm a big fan of marriage, having been in one for 28-plus years.

But most of the time I'm more pragmatic than romantic, so ...

It's from that "be prepared" perspective, I give you a few blog items and stories that discuss some of the tax and financial issues couples need to be aware of when they divorce: 

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divorce lawyer new York

The most obvious impact on taxes, how to lodge a tax return is filed. Married status contract normally provides one of the greatest tax advantages. You can send this status until the divorce is final.


It's about time Tiger Woods came out with his story as it has been sometime. This is his chance to redeem things for him.


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