Let the IRS do your taxes for you
Tax Twitter Tuesday 01.26.2010

When to expect your refund

Did you e-file your tax return on Jan. 15 when the IRS began accepting electronic submissions? Then you should have your refund money soon. 

That is why you were among the first wave of filers, isn't it?The IRS has issued its annual chart showing when filers can expect to get their tax money.

If you e-filed between Jan. 15 and Jan. 21 and directed the IRS to direct deposit your refund, then the agency says it should be en route to your bank account on Jan. 29. 

If you opted to get a paper check, that will be mailed Feb. 5. 

Of course, these dates are just estimates. The IRS explicitly notes that it doesn't guarantee a specific date that a refund will be deposited into a taxpayer's account or mailed.

Still, it's nice to have some guidelines. That way if you e-filed on Jan. 15 and you're still waiting for your refund on Feb. 15, you know there's a problem. In those cases, touch base with the IRS. 

Wheres_my_refund_text E-filers can get refund information 72 hours after the IRS acknowledges that it's accepted your electronic tax return data.

All you need to do is go to Where's My Refund?

If you're away from your iPhone or Blackberry or PC, you can get your refund status information by calling 1-800-829-1954 or 1-800-829-4477.

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