When to expect your refund
Split tax refund deposits could cause a splitting financial headache

Tax Twitter Tuesday 01.26.2010

Welcome to the first Tax Twitter Tuesday of 2010!

We're into the filing season, the economy is still giving us fits, we've been giving like crazy to Haiti's earthquake victims and, as usual, politics are playing a big part in tax legislation. What a way to get a year going!

Twitterbird for T3 And all this means the Twitterverse is abuzz with tax talk. So let's get to it!

@CPALetter_Daily Today's Top Story in #CPALD - Obama to propose aid to middle class, freeze on some federal spending http://ow.ly/10xXX 

@CLT_CPA North Carolina is now taxing digital property http://bit.ly/91kiqu

@freefrombroke RT @arohan 5 (plus 1) Tax Moves to Consider for 2010 http://ow.ly/1n3e0e

@taxmegan Dear Tax Clients; Yes, I do need your W-2's to be able to file your tax return. SERIOUSLY?

@frazierpresents Good article on how sales tax exemptions affect real jobs, not just "fat cats." http://bit.ly/cdzORD #salestax #tax

@Stacies_TaxTips Seven Things Your Accountant Should Have Told You – a Good Post From the Past: By Stacie Clifford Kitts, CPA   It'... http://bit.ly/7poJaD

@rdftaxpro A Tale of Value - http://wanderingtaxpro.blogspot.com/2010/01/tale-of-value.html

@JoeTaxpayerBlog RT Roth or Traditional IRA: My fiance is in the process of rolling over her old 401k. As such, I introd... http://bit.ly/8M6P1T > comented  

@TaxPolicyCenter TaxVox: Gene Steuerle argues that our overleveraged economy requires tax, not just bank, reform http://bit.ly/7ZCro5

@taxgirl Congress Wants You To Give To Haiti. But Just Haiti. http://goo.gl/fb/JsYR

@jfkellyjr @MajoratWH Obama temp Making Work Pay credit expires this year. $40B/yr. Outlived usefulness or permanent $400B program?

@joebwan No room to cut, eh? RT @taxfoundation: Tax Policy Blog: California Public Pension Costs Have Grown 2,000% in a Decade http://bit.ly/bNcPBW

@CPA_Trendlines #CPA #CPA link: Nicolas Cage's Foreclosed Home Sells for $4.95M: Nicolas Cage's former Las Vegas home, which had been... http://bit.ly/9DDDf2 ^w

@moolanomy Answered: help with 401k http://bit.ly/60n9QY >> I did. I hope they find it.

@TheTaxAdviser IRS announces plans for new schedule to disclose uncertain tax positions. http://twurl.nl/nbxyr5

@TaxDebtBlog #Tax Ten Things to Know About 1031 Exchanges - Forbes http://bit.ly/bbveu6 

@NCTaxPro Hmmm... More Childless Workers Should Get the Earned Income Credit.: http://bit.ly/58kHc7 via @addthis #tax 

And though I generally try not to double-dip on T3, I just cant resist giving @CLT_CPA another shot thanks to this great observation:


Thanks for the chuckle, Chad, and thanks to all my Twittering tax colleagues for keeping me (and you!) up to date on tax happenings.

At symbol If you're a Twitterer (Tweeter?) follow them -- and me! I'm @taxtweet -- for daily 140-character doses of good tax medicine.

We'll be back in a month or so with a whole lot more Twitter tax tidbits. See you then -- and in between, too, I hope! -- here at the ol' blog and on Twitter 

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