The 12 Tax Tips of Christmas:
#12 Hire a pro
The 12 Tax Tips of Christmas 2009

Happy Christmas Eve!

I had planned to post a wrap-up of Congressional tax action, or rather inaction, this afternoon, but just after 1 p.m. our power went out, victim of near-50 mph northwesterly gusts that pushed through Central Texas.

So I'll present you with that holiday gift tomorrow on Christmas Day. I know it'll be hard to wait, but now you have some blogging goodies to look forward to on Dec. 25.

2008 tree 4 Now that it's finally warming back up in our house, I'm going to put the wet towels that were in the washer when the electricity failed in the dryer, cook some dinner and then watch the hubby make his traditional pumpkin pie.

We don't have a tree this year -- that photo to the left is last year's version -- because of our water heater disaster repairs, but we're definitely going to have a Christmas meal, even though it means schlepping the ingredients from the refrigerator in the garage and eating in our upstairs den.

At least we're fine and we're together in our slowly getting redone home, and that's what is important.

Here's hoping that you and yours are safe and together and enjoying a great holiday season and a very Merry Christmas!


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