Tax record keeping song and dance
Tax carrot + stick nab 14,700 scofflaws

Tax Twitter Tuesday 11.17.2009

Twitter bird It's Tax Twitter Tuesday time again! Sorry I'm a bit tardy. This Tuesday had me in a real tizzy!

But I'm finally here, and glad you are, too.

For first-timers, on the third Tuesday of each month I sift through the gazillion tax Tweets and collect some as a blog post here at Don't Mess With Taxes.

If you're on Twitter and talk about taxes, all you have to do is keep doing what you're doing. The new lists feature should help me find your item.

But just to make sure I do, you can always "at" me; that is, include my Twitter ID @taxtweet in your Tweet. Or if we follow each other on Twitter, can send it to me via direct message there.

OK, that's enough housekeeping. Let's get to Tax Twitter Tuesday!

@rollcall Yo ho ho and a brawl over rum taxes between two U.S. territories

@CPALetter_Daily Today's #Tax Spotlight Story in #CPALD - Tax credit may have been too big for some recipients

@joebwan Hey, arsonists are people too!: You've stolen some money from your customers. The hounds are closing in. Is it ..

@TheTaxCPA New blog post: Who can you trust?

@BillSheridan A $54,000 pension for life, courtesy of county taxpayers (from @baltimoresun)

@TaxGuyCPA The homebuyers credit has cost almost $10 billion so far. 107k civil cases have been opened involving ineligible claims of the credit

@bruce_taxguy - I have a new post A brief overview of the {dreaded Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).

@Stacies_TaxTips What Kind of People Hide Money in Swiss Accounts?: By Stacie Clifford Kitts, CPA  

@taxfoundation Tax Policy Blog: Basically No New Taxes

@TaxNewz U.S. first-time home buyer tax credit: worth the cost? - Reuters [TAX NEWS - Google News]

@OmahaCPA "higher tax rates on earnings reduce people’s incentive to work"  

@verseconsulting RT @TaxUpdates USA: New Legislation Provides Elective NOL Carryback Period Of Up To Five Years

@moneyhighway 'Honey, have you paid the driving bill this month?' (via @globeandmail)

@jamesuccpa Things may get worse in Michigan and California.

@NATPTAX IRS reaches settlements with 14,700 taxpayers over secret accounts in 70 foreign countries 

@taxplaya attention people who like tax relief: if you're against the tax hike agenda of @taxfoundation, "you need your IQ raised"

@rogercpa CPA Exam Tip of the Day: For a Roth IRA, there is no reduction in taxable income when the contribution is made.

@TaxDebtBlog #Tax Nearly 15000 Americans admit offshore tax cheating - 

@FICPA Ask a CPA: 2 unmrried pple own home. Wht cn IRS do if 1 person owes $ 4 back taxes/penalties? Is other 4 debt, 2? 

@wperez expanded homebuyer tax credit & more provisions in the Worker, Homeownership & Business Assistance Act #about #tax 

@JoeTaxpayerBlog RT @RedeemingRiches: RT @onemoneydesign: Convert to a Roth IRA in 2010? > Good post. Commented. 

@HowardGinsberg Stimulus surprise: 15 million may owe IRS Tax. Nothing with taxes is ever simple, even when you're getting a tax break. 

@ronideutch Answers about the home buyers’ and homeowners’ tax credits 

@rdftaxpro Beware of bad blanket tax advice!

@CPA_Trendlines  #CPA link: "Unforeseen Circumstances" Exclusion From Gain on Sale of Home: Despite the.. via AICPA JofA

@DianeKennedyCPA Selling digital downloads (audio, video or special repts)? 18 states require sales tax. Read more.   

@taxresolution Innocent Spouse Tax Relief Not Always Applicable, But a Possibility for Some Facing Tax Charges: When tax probl..  

@jkharris IRS' Offer in Compromise program, Not a magic wand!

@WebCPAtweets Employees Stick with Workplace Retirement Plans: Despite the uncertain market conditions and negative headlines..

And finally, we wrap up our third Tax Twitter Tuesday with a truly inspired Tweet: 

@Adrigonzo A Lesson in "Tax Porn" and Transparency from Norway $$ 

I know, I know, you're just dying to click on @Adrigonzo's link. I certainly won't keep you.

At symbol But before you head off to find out all the skin and skinny from Norway, thanks to all you dedicated Tax Tweeters.

We'll be back here on Dec. 15 with a whole lot more Twitter tax tidbits. See you then -- and in between, too, I hope! -- here at the ol' blog and on Twitter.

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Thanks for the Tweet mention! I'm going through social media withdrawl these days, as we are going through personnel changes at work, which means insanity. Guess it's not as bad as Congress though.

Toni McIntyre

I notice the J K Harris site doesn't mention Mr Harris' time in prison, lol.

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