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T-A-X: The case for a National Tax Bee

Bees_feltfantasia What a fun idea! ESPN should televise a National Tax Bee, a la the annual National Spelling Bee broadcast.

That's the suggestion of Mary O'Keeffe, who blogs at Bed buffaloes in your tax code.

"The popular stereotype of a tax professional paints them as bland and boring, robotic and devoid of personality," writes Mary. "Reading tax pro blogs has certainly convinced me otherwise."

As tax pros worthy of our television attention, Mary proposes a lineup of Robert D Flach, who blogs as The Wandering Tax Pro; Kelly Erb, aka the blogosphere's taxgirl; and The Tax Lawyer's Blog author Peter Pappas.

But there are tons of additional potential Tax Bee contestants.

We must include Joe Kristan from the Tax Updates blog; Monica Lawver, who pens CPA Confessions; William Perez with William's Tax Planning Blog; and Dan Meyer at Tick Marks.

Don't forget about all the Twittering tax types such as @bruce_taxguy and tweeting CPAs @taxman45, @OmahaCPA, @EDavisCPA, @CPA_Trendlines and @numbersnerd.

And definitely making the team are Tax Mama, the TaxProf and, of course, Ms. O'Keeffe herself.

With such a long list of names, I feel like I'm giving an awards ceremony acceptance speech. And you know what that means: I've left out some very important tax folks who should be a part of the tax fun.

So please help ensure that every tax geek is part of the competition, since I'm sure ESPN has heeded Mary's programming note and a National Tax Bee will definitely be on its schedule next April.

Bee image courtesty


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Elizabeth Davis

What a great idea, sounds like a ratings booster for sure!

I think a year ago I might have been offended to be listed as a Twittering tax type or a Tweeting CPA. I think it is amazing how a tool such as twitter can change our vocabulary! Now that instead of being offended I am honored to have those labels! Thanks for the nomination.



I'm thrilled to make the acceptance speech! I'd like to thank all the little people... and the smart people at Google who make Blogger so easy to use...

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