Tax plea for 'Girls Gone Wild' founder
Viva VITA!

IRS cuts ACORN connections

In the wake of embarrassing (and in one case, allegedly illegal) videotapes of ACORN employees offering bad tax (and other) advice, the IRS has ended its relationship with the group.

Acorn logo

The IRS announced it will no longer use Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) employees or services in Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), one of the IRS' free nationwide tax-preparation services.

Recently both the House and Senate passed legislation to cut off federal funds to ACORN.

Several Representatives, led by Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), also wrote to IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman and President Obama urging an end to all federal relationships with and money for the group.

This is just the latest unwanted attention for ACORN from the IRS. The tax agency has filed liens against ACORN offices in New Orleans claiming that the group owes more than $548,000 for missed payroll tax payments from July 2007 to March 2009, according to the Louisiana Pelican Institute for Public Policy, a conservative-leaning nonprofit. Copies of the liens are posted on the Institute's Web page.

Meanwhile, ACORN has filed a lawsuit against filmmakers James O'Keefe (faux pimp), Hannah Giles (fake prostitute) and LLC (which posted the videos online) for alleged "illegal videotaping" of ACORN employees in Baltimore. Under Maryland law, taping is legal only if both parties are aware of and agree to it.


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