Last-minute filing tips ... again
Death, taxes and tax scams

How I spent my tax season

The story isn't quite as exciting as the "how I spent my summer vacation" reports we used to give on the first day of school, but it might be of some use to folks still working on their returns.

Much of my time was spent producing a Daily Tax Tip for Bankrate. If you're still looking a tax break or the answer to a filing issue that's got you stumped, you might find it in the collection of 70 tax tips.

Tax_tip_icon_pencil_point Tip #71 goes up tomorrow. I'll give y'all a preview: It's on payment options.

You also can check out my blog posts that contain a tax tip. Most of them include the pencil image you see there on the right.

Here's hoping that you find a tax tidbit either here on the ol' blog or at Bankrate to help you get through the filing process a bit more quickly and with the least damage to your bank account.


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