10 years of a 'kinder, gentler' IRS.
Now what?
Unwelcome economic equity

162nd Carnival of Personal Finance

Little_league_pitch_2 Using baseball as its backdrop, the credit card blog Taking Charge has put together an impressive line-up of items for the latest Carnival of Personal Finance. Many thanks to Emily for her stellar effort as manager of this 162nd team of money bloggers.

With 74 "players," including my look at FDIC protection, jockeying for an at-bat, we have quite a enviable challenge in deciding who's at the plate first. So we'll start with several:

Now that all those financial tips are safely on base, it's your turn bring them home.

Check out the other members of the 162nd Personal Finance Carnival team to select your own line-up and score some smart money moves!


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Dan Ray

Thanks for contributing and for the linkback. Taking Charge will be hosting another carnival tomorrow at the Finance Fiesta. It'll have a theme you'll like: All Things Austin.


Wow!! Thanks for the kind mention!!

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