Cut gas tax? Clinton says yes; Obama, no
Happy 75th Willie!

Podcasting on MyVenturePad

I've done a lot of radio spots and interviews over the years, but last week I recorded my first official podcast.

Actually, I didn't have to do anything but talk; Robin Fray Carey, founder and chief operating officer of Social Media Today, interviewed me for the business site MyVenturePad.

It was great fun. I got to yammer on about taxes. I enjoyed it, and the hubby was glad that for a while he got a break as someone else listened to me!

You can read Robin's very kind introduction of me here, or you can cut right to the audio portion and listen to the podcast here.

Myventurepad While you're at MyVenturePad (MVP) listening to my mellifluous voice, take some time to peruse all the other offerings. The site is full of regular contributors (including moi) who offer lots of insight on how you can make your small business a success.

I particularly want to note MVP's upcoming webinar on business software, "Growing Pains: Is Your Business Software Dragging You Down?" A panel of experts will be on hand and participants can submit their questions for some wise answers on Monday, May 5, starting at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

Here's the webinar's synopsis blurb:

Many growing companies experience the frustration of not having enough flexibility in their accounting systems, or not being able to use their systems effectively when they increase revenue from more varied sources and clients, or when they need to integrate with other business applications. This free webinar will discuss recent findings from a special MVP/Techdirt study, as well as take your questions and comments.

Panelists will include Barbara Weltman, author and publisher of "Big Ideas for Small Business;" Manju Bansal, director of Solution Marketing, SAP Labs; and Grier Graham, vice president or Sales and Business Development for Techdirt. My podcast interviewer Robin Fray Carey will moderate.

It's free, so if you have time Monday and are looking for some accounting software advice, tune in. You can register in advance here.


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