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Happy 75th Willie!

Today is the birthday of one of Texas' favorite sons, Willie Nelson.

Wiullie_nelson_2_3 Not only is Willie a fantastic person -- everybody will tell you how nice he is and since we've been here in Austin, the hubby and I have personally seen some of his community works, such as benefit concerts he organized and staged -- he's a great musician.

And, of course, there are his well-known tax troubles, which Willie weathered in his own inimitable fashion.

Austin radio station KGSR is broadcasting a Willie Nelson 75th Birthday Bash as I type. I just heard Willie sing "Texas in My Soul." It'll go on for a while, so tune in for a spell.

In addition to great songs from Willie and others, the program includes Interviews of Willie, his friends and fellow musicians. Some of the programming will be live, but Willie's words are taped. He's on a European tour right now, still spreading the Texas music gospel worldwide.

More on Willie's latest birthday in this News Channel 8 segment and this Texas Monthly online feature.

Have a very happy birthday, Willie, and come back home soon!


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