'Super Saturday' offers free filing help
for select stimulus rebate recipients
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Do you need help completing your tax return? Then mark Saturday, March 29, on your calendar. That day the IRS and several other community organizations will be out in force to help folks complete their 1040s.
Even better, the help is free.
But there is one caveat. The filing service is only for individuals who usually don't have to file a return.
That's right. The outreach effort was created to help folks who will be filing out a tax return for the first time in years.
The reason they haven't recently submitted a 1040? They didn't make enough to require that they file or their income was nontaxable, as is the case with many who rely solely on Social Security or Veterans' benefits.
The reason they will be sending tax returns to the IRS this year? They have to in order to receive some of the economic stimulus payment, aka rebate, money.
These folks might be eligible for a $300 payment ($600 for married couples) if they have at least $3,000 in qualifying income.
For rebate purposes, qualifying income is any combination of earned income (e.g., wages or nontaxable combat pay) and certain benefits from Social Security, Veterans Affairs and Railroad Retirement. Many of these households also will be eligible for an additional $300 for each qualifying child.
Since these folks are a bit rusty when it comes to tax filing, the IRS has decided to lend a hand.
Saturday, March 29, has been designated "Super Saturday." On that day, 320 IRS offices will open their doors and welcome lower-income individuals and retirees who need help filing their rebate-required tax paperwork.
Joining the IRS are AARP, the United Way of America and dozens of other groups in an effort to reach out to those who normally are not required to file a tax return.
"We don’t want any Americans to miss out on their economic stimulus payment. For millions of Americans, filing a tax return is not routine. Their income is either too low or not taxable. But this year, filing a 2007 tax return is the only way to receive an economic stimulus payment. Super Saturday is one way the IRS and its partners are working to ensure everyone eligible receives a stimulus payment," said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman in announcing the special one-day event.
Online office list: The IRS offices, located in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. local time. Some may even be open longer. The IRS also plans to send some of its field assistance personnel to nursing homes and similar locations to help folks who can't make it to the offices.
You can find a Super Saturday location at this online list or by calling the IRS at 1-800-906-9887.
In addition, taxpayers with economic stimulus questions on