Carnival of Personal Finance #141
Taxes on your tax rebate

Taxes and Election '08

For those of you lucky enough to have already cast your primary ballots, please excuse me while I take another brief foray into politics and taxes.

Campaign_button_2 The issue is on my mind of late, since here in Texas our primary is just a week away. And even if I tried to forget, I couldn't. For the last few days every phone call has been someone wanting our votes.

So until the day after the polls close, all our calls are going straight to voice mail. I'm sure many fellow Texans (and Ohioans) can sympathize.

Such politicking is bad enough under normal election circumstances, but the hubby and I are getting double-teamed.

We're registered Democrats, so Hillary and Barack, or their recorded voices (or Bill's recorded voice) or Texas campaign staffers, have been pestering us based on that information. But we live in neighborhood that votes predominantly Republican -- yeah, every election the volunteer poll workers snicker when they see that "DEM" stamped on our voter cards -- so based on Zip Code data we're getting it from the GOP, too.

Plus, the candidates for local offices also are getting into the act. So we're fielding calls from county tax assessor hopefuls and the like.

It's annoying, but it's politics today. I just have to keep reminding myself that it really is a small and short-term price to pay to be able to vote.

Looking for more: I just wish all the candidates for all the offices would take the opportunity, both via phone or media outlets, to provide more than the usual political platitudes.

OK. Quit laughing. I just had an idealistic moment. I'm back.

And I'm back with some new information on the White House wannabes and their tax policies courtesy of TaxVox, the blog from the folks at the Tax Policy Center.

In On Taxes, McCain Calls Bush and Raises, Big Time, Len Burman runs the numbers on GOP front runner John McCain's tax cuts.

Burman's TaxVox colleague Howard Gleckman also has been asking seven fiscal questions of the three leading presidential candidates:

Although none of the candidates has answered TaxVox directly, Gleckman has ferreted out their possible answers to the questions by citing previous statements and news reports.

Maybe later this year when it's down to just two going head to head, we can get some real answers before we cast our final 2008 votes.

Again, stop with the laughing! A gal can hope, can't she?!?


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I heard that Obama is totally for gun control. He has a strong record of voting for gun control. I'm looking for a site to confirm this? Does anyone know where I can find this information

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