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Accountants pick next President!

The election results are in and who better to tally them than accountants.

Accountant_prez_elex_table_dems_2AccountingWEB asked accountants and others associated with the profession which Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls they supported.

In the unscientific survey, visitors to the Web site were allowed one vote per IP address during a two-week period in late September and early October.

Hillary Clinton was the top Democrat, garnering the support of half of the accountants et al. The AccountingWEB poll reflects most mainstream surveys, with Barack Obama coming in second and John Edwards taking the third spot.

On the GOP side, Fred Thompson, the most recently announced candidate, got the bulk of those votes. Rudy Giuliani was second, with Mitt Romney in third. Tom Tancredo's numbers weren't reflected in the graphic of Republican candidates produced by the site (at, of course, right), but he got 1 percent of the vote.

Accountant_prez_elex_table_repubs_2"We at AccountingWEB understand that these results do not necessarily correlate to the results one might see if the actual election were held today," said Rob Nance, the site's publisher. "However we can say with confidence that our readers, and therefore, one would assume, the poll participants, represent a cross-section of the American voting public."

The site also noted that it has no political affiliation with any candidate or national party and does not intend to take an editorial position in the coming election.


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This is a stupid poll. Tom Tancredo is co-sponsor of the
Fairtax. It is designed to simplify the tax system.
It could possibly put many accountants out of a job.
So you expect them to vote for Tancredo.???
The FairTax is the most widely supported fundamental tax reform bill on Capitol Hill!

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