Final tax-filing deadline fast approaching
Texas real estate: Reality vs. TV

Carnival of Money Stories

Today's going to be a full one, but I wanted to get a quick post up this a.m. before heading out to a lunch meeting.

The bad thing about my meeting -- aside from the fact that everyone in the group wants to eat so early! I guess they start their days, and have their breakfasts, a few hours earlier than I do. -- is that schlepping through downtown Austin traffic to get to it is going to take almost as long as the event itself will run.

The good thing about the meeting is that it features a panel on blogging, so maybe I'll pick up some tips!

Dollar_signs And speaking of blogging, the latest Carnival of Money Stories is now up at Money for Military. Brandon, the keeper of MfM, was very diligent in ensuring that the chosen bloggings told a personal story about money, so this week's Carnival is a select group of eight.

I'm honored that my recent grocery store visit made the cut. Be sure to check out the others at the 27th Carnival of Money Stories.


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