Expanding e-commerce taxes?
House to IRS: Do your job!

Topping the corporate tax rolls

I'm tied up much of today on some special (paying) projects, so as much as I'd like to ramble on here on the ol' blog, I'm going to rely on a couple of my fellow tax-loving colleagues, at least for right now, for the latest tax news and notes.

Kelly, aka TaxGirl, has done some digging to come up with a comparison of America's top 10 corporations and how that list (compiled by Fortune magazine and published on CNNMoney.com) stacks up against the most-taxed U.S. companies.

And Paul Caron, aka TaxProf, has taken Kelly's groundwork to the graphical level, presenting a nice table of the big vs. big tax businesses.

Of course, this is just a snapshot and it's hard to know if we're really comparing apples to apples (although the computer company of that name isn't on either list).

But it's always interesting to get any idea of how the big boys of business match up on various levels. I think that's called benchmarking in corporate-speak.


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