Uh oh, Mr. J Lo
W's and Dick's tax totals

Friday the 13th tax fun

Taxes are all about numbers. There's the 1040 and all those other numerical forms. Then you have all the figures that must be calculated to arrive at adjusted gross and taxable incomes.

And, of course, there's the ultimate tax number: How much you owe.

Combine all those numbers with the actual filing process, and complying with our tax laws can definitely be scary.

Friday13calendarsheet_2 So on Friday the 13th, the traditional day that acknowledges the powerful combination of figures and fears, we offer 13 numerically themed tax items to help you tackle your filing phobias.

Here's hoping that with the info in these articles you can add up your tax fears and divide them by a newfound confidence to overcome them.

And, if all goes well, you should be able to zero out -- or at least reduce -- not only your tax bill, but also any lingering concerns you have about the upcoming filing deadline.

Proposition 13: This 1978 California law is one of the most famous in the entire tax world. It set strict limits on both property tax rates and how any changes to those rates can be made and is often cited as the opening salvo of modern day tax revolt efforts.

Freaky Friday Facts: Here are some fun nontax links for this scary day.

Hopefully, if you have qualms about Friday the 13th, this added knowledge about the day will help you make it to tomorrow without too much stress.

Knowledge and, of course, whatever lucky charm gets you through the day.


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