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Greenbelt means good birding

Greenbelt: An undeveloped swath of land designed to keep a bit of the country in otherwise urban, or quickly becoming urban, settings.

Greenbelt: Our home in Maryland for almost two decades, one of three "green towns" built as part of President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.

Greenbelt: As in The Greenbelt, the blog from The Ridger. This week, she's the host of I and the Bird #44.

Iandthebird_icon_6 I'll let her tell you about the collection: "Below, grouped (albeit roughly) into these four categories you will find posts of all sorts, having in common a love of birds and the desire to share that love."

All of the offerings are wonderful. But I do want to point out a couple, just to give you a preview.

We get the confessions of, and tips from, "crime of opportunity" birder John at Born Again Bird Watcher.

Then there's Snail's account of accidental birding Down Under down at A Snail's Eye View. I share Snail's delight in suddenly seeing an unexpected bird, and am pleased my account of our recent surprise Waxwing incursion is part of the same birding blog carnival.

While we're all aware of the many birds of literature, Harry at Heraclitean Fire takes us birding in an unexpected, but very productive, book: the dictionary.

And you just have to check out Dan's musings at Migrations on birds and blizzards. His photos of cardinals in snow -- there are few things as lovely -- are simply spectacular.

For many more fine avian accounts, check out the complete I and the Bird #44. Good birding!


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