RAL realities
TurboTax defense dismissed ... again

Yay Emmitt!

It was no surprise in our house that Emmitt Smith won "Dancing with the Stars."

Cowboys_helmet_rightface He was a god on the football field. #22 was key to three of the Cowboys' five championships that sustain the hubby and I as we wait for the Tuna to get his and the current team's act together. Fittingly, Emmitt's visage once again graces the 'Boy's Web page, along with a separate story on his latest accomplishment.

Plus, he just seems like such a nice guy. And there's that smile! How can anyone resist that smile?

When I heard Emmitt was going to be on the program, as a lifelong Cowboys fan, my initial wish was that he finish higher than former '49er Jerry Rice did last year. As the competition continued, I began to hope for a win. The hubby was confident the whole time; me, I'm a sports worrier, expecting disappointment and then reveling obnoxiously in victory.

Well, it's definitely a roundly reveling kind of day today!

More Emmitt: You can watch highlights of Emmitt's and dance partner Cheryl Burke's performances here.

You can read here about how Emmitt's dance floor moves captivated Dallas almost as much as his on-field moves did back in the day.

And be sure to check out this story and Jerry Jones' comments at the end of the article. For once, something I can agree with Jerry about!


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