Cigarettes for Cézanne
Lighting the first candle

Hide the children, tax bloggers have organized!

Taxbloggerseal_founder_clearback OK, it might not be
that dire, but when you get a group of tax geeks together, even if it's just online, the wonkiness factor goes through the roof.

But that's exactly what devil-may-care taxalicious has done.

He's thrown caution to the wind and established, "a loose confederation of bloggers, writers and other tax freaks who like to write and talk about taxes."

A fool for taxes, I jumped at the chance and became a "founding member." The hubby contends I was just attracted by that "certified" label, but take what he says with a grain of salt. He also tends to confuse "certified" and "certifiable" when he's extolling my many virtues, tax and otherwise.

Careful readers have probably already noticed the green TaxBlogger badge there in my right nav bar. Just click on it (or the logo or text link in this entry), and you'll head straight to the new site.

Remember, we're just getting started, so give us a bit of time to grow into our new community. But go ahead and click over for an early look. I'm sure we'll soon become a welcome destination for all tax geeks, even those who are just a tad tax nerdy during filing season.


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