Mulling Migrations
Headaches, tax and otherwise

Inquiring tax minds want to know

1040_stack_2 Admit it. You spent at least part of your Saturday and Sunday surfing the Web for tax data.

You didn't? Wow, please drop me a note on how to get a life!

Really, though, some folks are already thinking about their taxes. In fact, William Perez over at About Taxes reports that his readers have been seeking tax guidance in some specific areas: 2006 tax rates, Form W-4, the Pension Protection Act, tax deductible mileage rates and the tax implications of selling a home.

Click here to read William's comments on each of these areas, along with links to stories he's done on them.

If you want to really overdose, you also can find info on these tax topics in these stories (yes, I wrote them):

If you didn't spend part of your days off contemplating these and other tax tasks, congratulations on having a fun weekend.

But remember, the sooner you prepare, the easier your upcoming filing will be, so don't wait too long. The above links will help you get a good head start.


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