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Calling all Carnivalistas

Just a quick reminder before you head out for the long Labor Day holiday: Tax Carnival #4 will be posted on Monday, Sept. 4.

Orig_ferris_wheel_narrow_2 Yes, I love taxes -- learning and writing about them, not paying them! I'm not that crazy! -- that much. So I'll be spending part of my holiday weekend sorting through submissions and assembling them for the reading pleasure of other tax geeks worldwide.

Please make my Labor Day weekend labor of tax love worthwhile by sending along tax items -- federal, state and international -- that you think the blogosphere needs to see.

If you're new to the Tax Carnival, you'll find links to earlier editions in the upper right column of Don't Mess With Taxes. Check them out for an idea of the wide range of tax topics we showcase.

Details on submissions can be found in the Carnival of Taxes welcome post. And you can send along links to an item (or items) via our Blog Carnival page.

Thanks and we'll see you at Tax Carnival #4 next week!


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